Just as we are compelled to understand the world around us, we also yearn for a better understanding of ourselves. Many of us have unresolved feelings about our past experiences and relationships that inform our present way of life. Therapy provides us with a space to bravely engage in self discovery that can support mental, emotional, and spiritual health. In individual therapy, I work to help clients honor their most authentic self and intentionally forge their own path to create a meaningful and fulfilling life.

I provide long-term individual therapy on a weekly basis for adolescents (13+) and adults. When working with adolescents, I provide developmentally-informed services that help foster wellness and growth.


  • Anxiety

    Explore the underlying causes of your anxiety, develop practical coping strategies, and work towards achieving a sense of calm and control.

  • Life After College

    Take the next steps with your career and passions, build lasting relationships, and find a sense of purpose and direction after graduation.

  • Gender, Sexuality, & Culture

    Discover your most authentic self, affirm your identity, and live authentically, with confidence and pride.

  • Intergenerational Trauma

    Understand inherited trauma responses, break from the cycle of trauma, and foster a healthier, more fulfilling life.

  • Anger and Resentment

    Recognize anger without shame, understand your triggers, and find a constructive outlet for your emotions.

  • Adolescent Therapy

    Lower anxiety and depression, grow your self-esteem, and develop a strong inner resilience for coping with your teen years.